Carolina Permuy
Mar 2, 2022
“Streamin’ in the Free World: Neil Young Vs Spotify”
With over 180 million premium users, Spotify is the world’s leading streaming service. It gives users access to a seemingly unlimited...

Anthony Bonavita
Mar 2, 2022
The Last Blue Night: Remembering Joan Didion
Joan Didion will be forever remembered for her books, and her amazing ability in fiction, non-fiction, memoir, and playwriting.

Anthony Bonavita
Dec 8, 2021
Keep it Alive: An Ode to Radio
Radio completely changed how people listened to music. No longer limited to live performances, music was now accessible to everyone.

Carolina Permuy
Dec 8, 2021
IDLES in Today’s Conversation on Toxic Masculinity
Like many punk bands, IDLES address social issues such as wealth inequality and racism, but in a unique way that encourages love and unity.

Audrey Ledford
Nov 11, 2021
Beautiful World, Where Are You?
The collapse of the Late Bronze Age in 1200 BCE erased any existence of literacy in human society; however, in 1952 a man named Michael...

Olivia Baisier
Nov 11, 2021
Taylor Swift and the Predatory Management Behind Her Re-Recordings
Taylor Swift is re-recording her first six studio albums after a battle over the rights to her masters with her former record label, Big...

Lucia Pieto
Nov 10, 2021
In 2021, Candyman Rectifies the Franchise's White History
The original Candyman from 1992 holds a very important role within horror film history. Ahead of its time, the film portrayed a powerful...

Michael Oross
Oct 15, 2021
On Going Back to the Movies
It has been an interesting 21 months. The world around us has changed and we’ve been cooped up in our homes while a pandemic rages...

Connor Lammas
Oct 14, 2021
Kanye West's Donda
Kanye West’s career has never had a dull moment. Dealing with a publicized divorce and the aftermath of a failed presidential campaign,...

Audrey Ledford
Oct 14, 2021
A Queer Media Summer for Young People
In the past few months, I’ve witnessed an explosion of queer media, particularly pertaining to young people. This summer’s youth queer...