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Indy Suggests: Widows

Connor Rush

On Nov. 16, arthouse darling director Steve McQueen made his jump into mainstream genre film. McQueen, most recognized for directing the 2014 Best Picture winner 12 Years a Slave, has solidified himself as one of the most important filmmakers working today. Directing Michael Fassbender in the excellent Hunger (2008) and then again in Shame (2013), McQueen has displayed a penchant for telling deeply difficult and emotional stories. Widows, which the director co-wrote with famous novelist turned screenwriter Gillian Flynn (Gone Girl, Sharp Objects), marks a distinct departure from his previous work. The film follows a group of wives after their husbands are killed during a bank robbery. Banding together, these women find and decide to execute their dead husbands’ plan for a final heist on their own. Film journalists use the hackneyed term “all-star cast” far too often, but this film truly deserves this merit. Lead by Viola Davis, Michelle Rodriguez, Elizabeth Debicki, and Cynthia Erivo (Bad Times at the El Royale) as the widows, the cast also features Brian Tyree Henry (“Paper Boi” in Atlanta) and Daniel Kaluuya (Get Out, Black Panther) as the antagonists fighting for their stolen money. By the looks of the trailers, the film will provide Henry and Kaluuya room to continue their meteoric rises. Colin Farrell, Robert Duvall, Liam Neeson, Jon Bernthal, and Carrie Coon round out this stellar cast. In the steady hands of McQueen, Widows truly has the potential to be one of the best crime films of the decade.


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