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WGTB Merch Market

On March 18th, Georgetown’s own WGTB will host a merch market in Sellinger Lounge. The event will take place from 2 to 5 p.m. and feature half-a-dozen record stores and labels from across Washington D.C.’s music scene. They will have new and used records, apparel, and art prints available for sale. Though the final vendor list is currently unavailable, WGTB has indicated that vendors will cut across the genre spectrum, with representation from the indie, punk, and electronic music scenes. Patrons will also be able to use a turntable listening station in order to listen to used records in advance of purchase. In addition to the merchandise sales, Dawit Eklund, Joyce Lim, and Sami Yenigun – founders and operators of local record label 1432 R – will DJ for the duration of the event. Veterans of the District’s music scene, their label has seen features from the likes of the Washington Post, Beats in Space Radio, and Pitchfork in their ‘Capital Sound’ feature. All three have played music at Flash, U Street Music Hall, and seasonal events like last year’s Petworth Park Summer Jam party series. The merch market is free to the public.

WGTB Merch Market


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