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Black History Month

Washington DC celebrates Black History Month with a variety of events and the DC Public Library System will be one of the most active hosts. Jazz concerts, art exhibits, theatrical workshops, and book discussions that highlight the influence and legacy of African-American contributions to the arts will takeplace at different library locations throughout the city. Shaw Library will have a photography exhibit showcasing African American casual life and leisure destinations in DC throughout the month of February. Historian and author Patsy Mose Fletcher as well as historian Marya McQuirter will give a presentation regarding the topics covered by the exhibits on Feb. 4 at 2 p.m. A question and answer session will follow the presentation. On Saturday Feb. 11 at 1 p.m., the Lamond Riggs Library will showcase an art collection titled Picturing America by Jacob Lawrence. It is part of his Migration Series, a project put together by the National Endowment for the Humanities, and tells the story of America through selected art pieces. Discussion focusing on the historical significance of the masterwork will take place followed by an arts and crafts activity. All ages are welcome.

Black History Month


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