Amanda Dym
Nov 12, 2021
Samia Shines at Soldout Songbyrd Show
On a cloudy Tuesday in October, Songbyrd Music House in DC’s Union Market neighborhood hosted Samia Finnerty, a 24-year old rock artist...

Anthony Bonavita and Brendan Hegarty
Nov 11, 2021
Govball, Goofballs, Woodstock Wusses, and Why I Didn't Vote for Biden
I've been noticing the kids going to some music festivals. Whether it’s Lollahoopla, Cokesellar, or Governor’s Balls, they all miss that...

Graham Kanwit
Nov 11, 2021
Blu Shines Bright on The Color Blu(e)
For an artist with a career spanning over a decade, Johnson Barnes (“Blu”) is still an enigma. With each project, Blu displays an...

Audrey Ledford
Nov 11, 2021
Beautiful World, Where Are You?
The collapse of the Late Bronze Age in 1200 BCE erased any existence of literacy in human society; however, in 1952 a man named Michael...

Olivia Baisier
Nov 11, 2021
Taylor Swift and the Predatory Management Behind Her Re-Recordings
Taylor Swift is re-recording her first six studio albums after a battle over the rights to her masters with her former record label, Big...

Margaret Rand
Nov 11, 2021
A "Not So Local" Spotlight: Gallery Tours in Kreuzberg, Berlin
Am I crazy for traveling 12 hours each way to Berlin, Germany for only a long weekend? Yes. Crazy for contemporary art. As a new transfer...

Michael Oross
Nov 11, 2021
Is It Time to Die, Mr. Bond?
No Time To Die has had a lot to live up to—and has been tasked with accomplishing multiple thankless tasks. As the definitive conclusion...

Andres Alfonso
Nov 11, 2021
El Shirota
El Shirota is the most exciting band to emerge from Mexico’s underground rock scene. Their name comes from a bacteria found in probiotic...

Sabrina Shaffer
Nov 11, 2021
BIG BOOTIE MIX: Not For The Faint of Heart
Thanks to the rise of SoundCloud, virtually anyone these days can break into the music industry. Seriously, anyone. Remember your high...

Deborah Han
Nov 10, 2021
Han is the Editor-in-Chief and a Junior in the College studying Classics and Art