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Indy Suggest: Firebringer

Jackson Foran

The cast of Firebringer.


Firebringer is a heartfelt, hilarious, and inspiring show. For those uninitiated, Firebringer is the show from which the “I don’t really want to do the work today” vine came. The entire two-hour runtime is jam-packed with sidesplitting antics, beautiful romance, and animated musical numbers. Let The Georgetown Nomadic Theatre take you to the dawn of man, where stable leader Jemilla keeps the group safe from the many dangers of life, whether these be mammoths, the ferocious Snarl, or one’s own shadow. With the upheaval of their religion and the introduction of new technology, however, the group is suddenly launched into chaos. The audience is confronted with questions about the truth behind the idols we worship, the actions we take to keep ourselves “secure,” the possible destruction of humanity by its own hands, and how much of a privileged fuck one truly is. The cast (and crew and pit, and especially the producer, our very own Emma Cooney) do a wonderful job elucidating the absurdity of it all, all while marvelously performing through song and dance.

Firebringer is directed by Maddy Rice (COL ‘20) and produced by Emma Cooney (SFS ‘22). Shows are still running November 8-9 at 8:00 pm at the Village C Theater on campus. Tickets are $10 for students and $15 for general admission. They can be bought at the Davis Performing Arts Center or online here.


Jackson Foran

Photo Credit: Kate Clark


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